Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 17th & 18th

It's time for a Suzy Nay Dominated post! Basically what that means is the two days covered (Monday Tuesday) in this post were dominated by my darling Suzy and Nay. Heads up, these posts could quite possibly be frequent.

Where to start. Monday kicked off with my usual routine before I met up with Suzy for some shopping. I was actually late for meeting her because Subway's queue was so freakin' long. Was worth it for a six-inch Italian herbs and cheese sub with grilled chicken and honey mustard. Also I shot her a text telling her I'd be a bit late. See, I'm courteous.

I grabbed Miss Suzy and we headed off to Yorktown Shopping Center for some much needed shopping. Alright, I might have overdone it just a smidge. My closet is now filled with new tops as well as a few dresses and a bikini from Pac Sun and some Spencer's drinking glasses and a witty pin and yeah. That's a lot. The mastercard had some exercise which my father wasn't too happy about. My mother ok'd it though and she's the one in charge of my wardrobe.

Sorry dad but this was my overdue shopping spree for new clothes that will last me the summer and the school year and a few years after. It was much needed, says the spoiled twenty-one year old. And I'm totally alright with that setup.

That was shopping which lasted hours and even bled into Oakbrook (after a few wrong turns were corrected). Suzy and I split for a little bit just so we could wind down in the comforts of our own homes. I then left my home for Suzy's for another girl's night. Nay joined us of course, can't be three amigos without her. Though I prefer the three caballeros. They sing and include Donald Duck.

The night was spent laughing and drinking about and lasted until four in the morning. It started round nine o'clock PM so it went on for a while, strictly speaking. I had my camera on me and several no, dozens of pictures were taken of the three caballeros. I believe Suzy is Panchito (wild energized bird) and Nay is Donald (makes the craziest faces), seems to fit well. That leaves me with José the parrot who is constantly trying to score free meals otherwise known as food obsessed. Wow we really are the three caballeros.

Sadly audience that's all I can say about the night. We talked, devoured brownies, and took pictures together as best friends should. It was magical though, somehow magical. Fear not, they were normal brownies from Wholefoods.

We are such lovely ladies
That sums up Monday rather nicely. Time to move on to Tuesday. Oh man this was a funny day.

So I've been wanting to have my belly button (navel) pierced for a long long long time audience. Since I was about fifteen to be exact. The reason I didn't have it done was because, well it's kinda pathetic. Bare bones, I was with a boy at the time who thought they were "gross looking" and told me not to have on done. He even told Natalie "No offense Nay." I know, what a tool. Anyways adult Mary has learned that it's her body and her choice alone regarding anything that happens to it. Piercing ahoy! 

After a few more wrong turns, the three of us ended up finding Skin Gallery Tattoo and Piercing Parlor. I parked my beautiful LT and the three of us entered the place only to find Brent! My jaw dropped and I smiled. Alright none of you understand what that means or who Brent is which is perfectly sound. 

Brent is my neighbor and childhood friend. Our meeting dates back to kindergarten or about five years old. I had just stumbled into the parlor where Brent works and had him pierce my navel. This world is kickass! 

He did a great job and even gave me a cute rod (rings are not good starters for the navel) that was all sparkly. Nay and Suzy commented on how it was a great starter. Thanks again Brent, hope to see more of you this summer. Now I finally have a piece of jewelry that I've wanted for many years. Awesome audience, simply awesome. 

The rest of the day was spent doing low key activities. I dropped Suzy and Nay off, called my brother, and even talked to my boyfriend over skype for a while. Oh yeah, for those of you who are newer-ish readers my boyfriend is a guy I met while I was studying abroad in France. His name is Jonathan, he's British, and he digs Tolkien. Plus the charm, the wit, and handsome face. Can't forget those qualities. In any case if you want to pass judgment he writes his own blog which you are free to check out audience. 

Glad that's cleared. After all of that I really just pattered around my house cleaning bits here and there. I began to download the MMO The Old Republic but the damn file took so long that I fell asleep before it finished. Oh well, there's always tomorrow afternoon. 

Tis all I got audience. Les Trois Caballeros crient "Ay caramba!" Ah, il ne marche pas en français au moins pas par rapport à l'espagnol. Cependant Mare ne sait pas l'espagnol. Dommage.

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